
Basic measures to protect against the coronavirus COVID-19

13-03-2020 by Mirai

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COVID-19 is still affecting most people in China with some outbreaks in other countries. Most people who have become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more serious for others.

Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following:

Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with alcohol gel or soap and water.


Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol gel kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing

Stay at least 1 meter away from you and another person who is coughing or sneezing. When someone touches or sneezes, they scatter liquid droplets from their noses or mouths that may contain the virus. If you are very close, you can breathe in those drops including the COVID-19 virus if the people you touch are infected.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

The hands touch many surfaces and can pick up the virus. Once contaminated, the hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure that you and the people around you have good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your nose and mouth with your forearm or scarf when twisting or sneezing. Immediately remove the used tissue. The drops spread the virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you can protect people around you from viruses such as colds, influenza, and COVID-19.

If you have a fever, cough, and have trouble breathing, seek medical help immediately.

Stay at home if you don't feel well. If you have a fever, cough, and have trouble breathing, seek medical attention by calling ahead. Follow the instructions of the local medical authority.

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protection, coronavirus, covid-19, measures, hygiene