
Chrononutrition: 10 keys against diabetes

11-05-2020 by Mirai

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Eat all foods, but at the right time of day, this is the beginning of chrononutrition. It can help balance a diabetic's diet by making the right choices.

Proteins, fats, fibers, the body needs nutrients to function. The solutions of Dr. Alain Delabos, who developed chronic nutrition, to consume wisely when diabetic. Goals: get rid of excess body fat, regulate blood sugar and diabetes.

We consume starchy foods without excess.

"We avoid eating too much bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, so as not to overload the pancreas." But we don't remove them, we calibrate them correctly and diversify them as much as possible.

We put protein on their menus.

But we do not eliminate animal proteins. "They contain tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, a substance that plays an essential role in regulating appetite," said Dr. Delabos. The three main vectors of tryptophan are cheese, meat, fish, and shellfish. Chocolate also contains but less.

At night, we prefer fish to meat.

"The proteins in fish and shellfish are light compared to those in meat," says the nutritionist. They are not likely to disturb sleep. Feel free to eat a large amount of fish or shellfish, so that the body takes advantage of its tryptophan reserves and avoids suffering hypoglycemia at night, responsible for snacks that, unfortunately, will increase blood sugar "

We only eat quick sugars once a day.

"The less sugar you bring to a diabetic, the better it will be," says Dr. Delabos. Quick sugars are taken in small amounts and in the late afternoon.

We remove certain dairy products.

"Those that contain the highest amount of lactose, sugar present in milk, yogurt, white cheese, specifies the nutritionist. You must take into account the carbohydrate content of dairy products, in order to control blood sugar. They must avoid all those enriched with fruit and flavor.

We skip dishes that contain glutamate.

Referenced under code E621, this food additive excites the taste buds and increases the desire to eat. "It is present in large quantities in Chinese cuisine, in hamburgers of some fast foods, in fried potatoes, sauces, snack cakes," says the nutritionist.

We pay attention to very sweet vegetables.

We avoid consuming sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, beets too often.

We prefer cereals that are less rich in carbohydrates.

"Like buckwheat, rye, barley, and oats," says Dr. Delabos.

We put fibers.

They are important to guarantee a good intestinal transit. Fiber also slows down carbohydrate absorption, limiting the rise in blood sugar after a meal.

We choose fats well.

Too much fat can unbalance diabetes. "We consume saturated fats preferably in the morning and polyunsaturated fats the rest of the day," adds the nutritionist.

A typical day of antidiabetic chrononutrition.

This is what you can eat at breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner to prevent any risk of diabetes and lose your extra kilos.


Tea, coffee, herbal tea without sugar and without milk.

- unlimited cheese

- 40% of the portion of cheese in bread (eg: 50 g of cheese = 20 g of bread)


200 g of red, white meat, offal or sausages

- 3 tablespoons of mixed starchy foods - Non-sweet vegetables

- 20 g of dark chocolate with 70% minimum bitter cocoa. Or ½ Chinese bowl of walnuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, natural pistachios. Or ½ small Chinese bowl of olive. Or 1 plain or vinaigrette avocado.

+ tea, coffee, infusion without sugar, without milk


Unlimited fish or shellfish

- 1 green salad or 3 tablespoons mixed vegetables (15 cl of cooked vegetables)

With each meal, you can drink still or sparkling water, but never flavored water, coffee, tea, or a tea without sugar or milk.

To lower the glycemic index of homemade cakes, add coconut flour, oat bran, or psyllium to the dough. You can also sweeten your cakes with honey, especially acacia honey, whose glycemic index is only 53 and whose sweetening power is greater than sugar. Finally, we will bet on cinnamon, which, in addition to the flavor it gives to desserts, helps to reduce blood sugar.

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food, chronutrition, lifestyle, food, healthy, low carb, menu, diet