
Coronavirus quarantine: 20 things you can do at home

17-03-2020 by Mirai

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During this time of the pandemic, experts have recommended staying home and quarantining yourself, protecting yourself and others from the coronavirus, helping to prevent cases from escalating and returning to normal life as soon as possible.

So that the wait is not so long at home, here are 20 suggestions to help you make this quarantine interesting and even productive.

1. Sleep. Sleep as much as you can and recover from tiredness.

2. Watch those hour-and-hour movies you've avoided watching until now.

3. Table games. It's time to gather the family and organize a marathon of games that can take you hours of laughter along with good snacks. It can be as exciting as in the movie "Game Night".

4. Clear an area of your home and camp inside with blankets, popcorn, and horror movies.

5. Watch the movies that Oscar won.

6. Work on your health. Do exercises, there are routines throughout the network, you do not have to start with the long ones, with 10 minutes you can create a routine. You can even download free apps.

7. Paint picture books. They are not only for children, they can be very relaxing.

8. Dye your hair a new color or get a haircut you didn't dare use. No one will see it if you don't like it.

9. Visit important virtual museums such as the Louvre museum https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne and the Del Prado museum https://www.museodelprado.es/en/the-collection/art-works

10. Use the free month of streaming sites and watch movies and series as you wish.

11. Play video games, whether in first person, role-playing, classics like Super Mario Bros and you will have hours of fun.

12. Leave your beard. Enjoy that beard that you have never been able to grow.

13. Did you know that there are many ways to wear a scarf or kerchief. Learn other ways besides the typical one you always use. Pinterest and YouTube will teach you very easily.

14. Complete a puzzle or crossword puzzle. You can compete with yourself.

15. Start a blog. It may be about your experience with the coronavirus and what you do each day in quarantine. But you can also talk about a specific interest that you have always had.

16. Play that instrument that has always been stored in a corner adorning your home. It is an occasion to finally learn.

17. Download Duolingo or a similar app like Babbel and learn another language.

18. Meditate. Try to lie down with your eyes closed, palms up, and focus on your breathing without thinking about anything.

19. Hydrate your face. Put on one of those masks that you never have time to wear.

20. Enjoy your own Spa. The bathtub is there in your bathroom always used as a shower. You just need some bubbles, candles and a book.

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quarantine, coronavirus, things, do, home, pandemic, games, languages, stuck