
Covid-19: Confirmed effectiveness of corticosteroids for severe cases

05-09-2020 by Mirai

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Several studies published this week, including one coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), confirm the benefits of corticosteroid treatment against severe forms of Covid-19.

In fact, corticosteroids would be effective in treating the patients most severely affected by Covid-19 infection. The scientific journal Jama (Journal of the American Medical Association) published on September 2 the conclusions of several studies that confirm the interest of this therapeutic pathway already explored at the beginning of the summer:

- the CAPE-COVID study carried out by scientists from Inserm, the University Hospital of Tours and the AP-HP;

- a meta-analysis coordinated by the WHO and the University of Bristol and bringing together seven studies, including CAPE-COVID, REMAP-CAP and Recovery.

This meta-analysis collects data from 1,703 patients from 12 countries who received standard care, a placebo combined with standard care, or a corticosteroid (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, or methylprednisolone). It shows that corticosteroid treatment would reduce the risk of death from severe forms of Covid-19 by 21%. No specific side effects of corticosteroid therapy have been demonstrated. Remember that corticosteroids help fight inflammatory reactions in the body.

For Pierre-François Dequin, head of the intensive medicine-resuscitation service at the University Hospital of Tours, within the Center for the Study of Respiratory Pathologies, "this is an important therapeutic step that has been taken this year. However, it only applies to patients hospitalized for a severe form: the benefit and especially the safety of corticosteroids are not shown in other ways. "

These more than convincing results have led the WHO to officially recommend corticosteroid therapy in patients suffering from severe forms of Covid-19 and who require oxygen treatment with or without ventilation.

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coronavirus, covid-19, corticosteroids, treatments, who, confirmed, cases, severe, effectiveness, hospitalized, combat, reaction, inflammatory, proven, positive, sars-cov-2