
Internet addict how to disconnect?

23-05-2021 by Mirai

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In the morning on alert in emails, in the afternoon on social networks or online games. For some, it is difficult to disconnect from the Internet. Our advice to disconnect.

The Internet has everything to make us addicted. When navigating, we do not see time go by. The mind is absorbed, especially since one is alone behind the screen.

"For many, this is a form of escape. It allows them to relax, calm their worries. Sometimes it is also a way of meeting people on social media and a form of extramarital affair," observes Dr. Dan Véléa, a psychiatrist.

Internet addicts have all kinds of profiles. But for Dr. Véléa, one thing in common unites them: the inability to cope with boredom.

"Everyone needs to over stimulate themselves to feel psychically excited. For example, half of my patients live with a partner and things are going well. What they are questioning is their routine."

Among those at risk, there are many hyper-stressed executives who live in constant search for performance and for whom the Internet is a work tool.

People who play games of chance online tend to have quite an introverted personality. In them there is the notion of losing and "getting lost". At the risk of suffering a serious over-indebtedness.

Warning Signs Among Internet Addicts

Connecting to the Internet for several hours a day has become commonplace. However, this is not a sign of addiction.

"For addicts, the time factor is important, but also the intensity of the connection, the fact that they cannot do anything else," says the psychiatrist.

There are some signs that you are on the wrong track. For example: when you get out of bed, you feel the need to turn on the computer. As soon as you are online, you isolate yourself from the rest of the world to the point that people close to you have already pointed out this abnormal behavior to you.

Never abrupt withdrawal

It is not about removing the internet, smartphones, and computers from our lives, but putting them back where they belong.

"As with any hard drug, there is never a sudden withdrawal. You always have to put something in its place so as not to leave a void," explains the psychiatrist.

Take cognitive and behavioral therapy

For this, the psychiatrist relies on cognitive-behavioral therapies.

"We teach the patient to control their stress and her impulses, to manage the existential void that the game filled, for example."

The therapist takes care of the patients schedule, minute by minute, on the professional side and on the private side, and tries to reduce the time spent on the Internet to a "habitable minimum."

"This is an effective method, as long as the person agrees to question himself," says the Doctor.

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addiction, internet, games, online, time, disconnect, disconnect, family, couple, life, lifestyle, addict