
Strengthens the immune system: 11 plants that increase immunity

19-05-2020 by Mirai

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Among all its virtues, some plants strengthen the immune system. For the best natural defenses, find out which ones and how to take advantage of their benefits. Herbal medicine is a science.

The proper functioning of our immune defenses helps the body resist many infections, especially those related to the weather. So it is very important to strengthen the immune system. To prevent possible diseases, the treasures that nature offers us will be of great help to everyone.

1. The cypress

Cypress is a powerful antiviral. It acts as a shield for cells by preventing viruses from attaching to them and then killing them. It is especially recommended against the flu, but also against herpes. As a preventive or curative treatment, it is consumed in the form of fresh plants.

2. Ginseng

This plant native to China is consumed as an infusion to fight fatigue. But it is also very effective in helping the immune system fight winter disease.

3. Elderberry

In the form of ampoules or tablets, elderberry is consumed throughout the winter to fight a number of minor illnesses. Colds, flu, sinusitis or bronchitis do not resist the power of this plant.

4. Thyme

Widely used in Europe, and especially in the Mediterranean, in cooking, thyme is also a healthy ally. Because it is particularly rich in vitamin A, thyme is an asset to the immune system. Associated with honey and consumed as an infusion, thyme will be your best friend in case of colds.

5. The tea tree

The tea tree has always been used by Aborigines in Australia. Its essential oil will allow you to fight effectively against all forms of bacterial and viral infections.

6. The black radish

Vitamin C is the secret of black radish. It is thanks to that that you can fight fatigue and therefore strengthen your immune system. Little more significant, black radish also helps the good health of your skin and fights against the aging of your cells.

7. Blackcurrant

Like black radish, black currant is a true vitamin C mine. Thanks to this, black currant has antioxidant properties that will protect your white blood cells, which will have to be effective in fighting winter diseases.

8. Turmeric

There has been a lot of talk about turmeric in recent years. And for good reason, this plant, whose root is consumed, is truly miraculous if used wisely. Numerous studies have shown that turmeric can fight many bacteria. Also known for lowering pressure. This should be consumed in moderation.

9. The guarana

The invigorating virtues of guarana have long been recognized. This plant native to Brazil will be your ally. It is rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorous, like many virtues that will make it a good stimulant for your immune system.

10. Cat's claw

Also called "Liana de Perú", this plant, whose bark is consumed as an infusion or capsules, is known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

11. Ginger

Ginger has countless qualities. It has been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and fight the flu, as well as the common cold. In 2015, a study was conducted with 41 participants with type 2 diabetes, taking 2 grams of ginger a day and rapidly lowering blood sugar levels by 12%.

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medicine, alternative, natural, immunity, pandemic, covid, coronavirus, cold, flu, ginger, turmeric, guarana, thyme, black radish, ginseng, system, immune, herbs, herbaceous