13-12-2020 by Mirai
On December 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) released the 10 leading causes of death in the world. In its ranking, the institution grouped cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancers, injuries and neonatal conditions.
Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, health authorities have disclosed the number of new cases and deaths every day. The global Covid-19 pandemic occupies much of the attention, but other diseases also kill many people each year. On December 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) released the top 10 causes of death in 2019. Therefore, the coronavirus is not included in this ranking.
What are the most common causes of death?
According to the WHO, these ten causes accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million deaths in the world in 2019. For their classification, the institution has grouped them into 3 categories: communicable diseases, non-communicable pathologies. and injuries. Globally, 7 of the 10 leading causes of death are due to noncommunicable conditions (74%).
In this ranking, the WHO has identified:
ischemic heart disease
cerebrovascular accidents (cerebrovascular accidents)
obstructive lung disease
lower respiratory tract infections
neonatal conditions
cancers of the lung, trachea and bronchi
Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia.
acute diarrheal diseases
Diabetes: men are increasingly affected by this disease
In 2019, ischemic heart disease caused 8.9 million deaths. Therefore, these diseases represent 16% of deaths worldwide. Stroke (11%) and obstructive pulmonary disease (6%) also stood out. Among men, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death. Women are more likely to die from Alzheimers disease or some other form of dementia.
According to the World Health Organization, lower respiratory infections are among the deadliest communicable diseases. However, the number of deaths is decreasing. In 2019, 2.6 million people died from respiratory infections, 460,000 fewer than in 2000.
WHO has also seen a sharp drop in deaths from acute diarrheal diseases. These pathologies are usually caused by viruses (rotavirus), parasites (amebiasis) or bacteria (Shigella, Salmonellosis, Escherichia coli).
causes, death, who, main, causes, ranking, world health organization, diabetes, accident, cerebrovascular, heart