
What plant is dangerous for my cat?

12-09-2020 by Mirai

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Can we have plants when we have a cat? Yes, as long as some precautions are taken, as explained by veterinarian Nicolas Massal.

It is readily accepted by cat owners, their cats like to scratch potted soil, scratch logs, and occasionally test indoor and outdoor plants. But do they get sick afterwards?

"Cases of poisoning by plants, really proven and serious, are rare", observes Nicolas Massal. If they chew on some leaves, cats often spit them out because they find them bitter and irritating. And even if they do swallow it, the quantities are usually minimal and the disturbances generated are not of great importance.

The knowledge of the cat

Everything suggests that cats know how to distinguish what is safe and what can be dangerous for them. They "select" plants based on their smell (which humans do not always smell) and texture. They eat some that will help them vomit the ingested hairs by cleaning their fur.

Kittens may be more exposed, but their oral probing behavior is very brief. "The desire to try everything passes quickly. Very quickly, they become very selective and, in fact, eliminate most of the risks of poisoning, especially from plants."

Note that this does not mean that serious accidents caused by poisonous plants cannot occur.

Beware of phytosanitary products

Often times, it is not the plants that pose a direct threat to the animals, but the plant protection products used to treat them.

If a cat walks down an alley where a weed killer has been used, it may "burn" its pads or experience mouth irritation after licking. The best thing is still to ban this type of product (by gardening naturally) or, failing that, to keep the cat indoors for two days after applying dangerous products.

Clean your cat is coat

The cat sometimes returns from her escapades to the garden with remnants of pine or fir resin on her fur. It tends to lick itself to get rid of it and risks, again, an allergic reaction and local irritations. Inspect their fur and remove the resin.

Also watch out for pollen from lilies. This plant would be very dangerous for cats. And in case of strange behavior or suspected poisoning (vomiting, hypersalivation, diarrhea), take your cat immediately to the vet.

Some dangerous plants

Irritating sap. Long is the list of plants that are dangerous for cats. Among the most common in our homes and gardens are dieffenbachia, philodendron, ficus or poinsettia, whose sap (latex), very irritating, can cause serious kidney damage.

Other plants are harmful to cats if they ingest parts of them, such as tulip and hyacinth bulbs. The autumnal leaves, flowers, and berries of the lily of the valley are frequently cited as a cause of poisoning. It even prevents him from drinking the water from the vase in which you placed your yeast infection. As for azaleas and rhododendrons, all their parts are dangerous for cats.

Onions, shallots, percillo and cocoa, to avoid. Prevent your cat from serving herself when you cook, do not let her lick the sauce off the dishes.

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cats, plants, toxic, dangerous, garden, field, food, allergies, intoxication, leaves, diseases, serious