
Why Frequent Travel Can Make You Happier

11-01-2021 by Mirai

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Would you be happier with your life if you traveled more frequently? By asking hundreds of people this question, the researchers wanted to determine whether planning trips very regularly had a beneficial impact on happiness and well-being.

Setting a goal to travel more is often one of the most adopted good resolutions for the New Year, even if by 2020 this wish has been put aside for many people.

But thinking about it and projecting yourself would already be good for our morale, as Washington State University researchers say, "People who dream of traveling after COVID-19 now have scientific data to back up their wishes."

Their recent study, published in the journal Tourism Analysis, shows that frequent travelers are more likely to be happy than people who do not travel at all.

Specifically, the researchers wanted to conduct a study to find out why some people travel more frequently than others and whether travel and tourism experiences have, yes or no, a lasting effect on happiness and well-being.

Study participants were asked about their satisfaction with daily life, followed by the importance of travel in their life, how much time they spent researching and planning their future vacations, and how often they traveled in a year.

Of the 500 survey participants, just over half said they take more than four leisure trips a year and only 7% of them take no time off.

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vacation, happiness, travel, lifestyle, wellness, plan, happy, holidays