
Yoga: exercises that heal

23-08-2020 by Mirai

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Modern and accessible, yoga is a method of meditation that increasingly finds more fans eager to overcome stress. Simple exercises can be done daily to release tension, calm the mind, or instill energy.

For Virginie Boé, regularly practiced stretches, like a few chosen breaths, allow her to free herself from accumulated physical tensions. By "entering" oneself, calm is found, spasms and contractures due to external limitations are neutralized.

Unload the neck. Standing or sitting, turn your head to the left and then to the right, without trying to force the gesture or train the shoulders. Twist as you exhale, come back as you inhale, exhale, and repeat on the other side 5 times in a row. Then continue raising your shoulders on inspiration and lowering them on exhalation 3 times in a row. Finally, lift your shoulders as you inhale, hold your breath, lower your shoulders, and then exhale 3 times in a row as well.

Free your shoulders. Standing or sitting, with the hands on the shoulders, we describe circles with the elbows. You do about ten back and forth movements and then the same number back and forth. Don't try to control your breathing. Instead, focus on the sensations in your upper back depending on the width of your circles.

Relieve the lower back. Standing, well anchored to the ground, with the two parallel feet very slightly apart, raise one knee in the air leaning the weight of your body on the supporting leg, take the knee with both hands to raise it again by pulling it gently to you. This gesture stretches your lower back without hurting. It is practiced 5 times in a row for each knee leaving the breath free.

Yoga calms the mind

Virginie Boé offers three breathing exercises to practice independently or in succession. Simple but subtle, it is the small drops of water that change everything: this better relationship with breathing invites neuromuscular relaxation and release.

Clean the sternum. Open your nostrils as if you were breathing a good smell, let the air in and exhale. When you have mastered this breath, associate it with a gesture: your hands are placed on your thighs, imagine that they are holding two small balls of foam. As you exhale, squeeze those imaginary balls and release them. Chain 5 breaths, without trying to maximize your inhalation or exhalation to avoid hyperventilation.

Come back to the present moment. Standing or sitting, with your hands on either side of your waist, try to bring your hands together as you exhale. Then let it go. To practice 5 times in a row. Then repeat the same exercise without the help of your hands simply by squeezing your waist muscles.

Disrupt looping thoughts. Inhale to count, like counting sheep before falling asleep: inhale and exhale on 1, inhale and exhale on 2, inhale and exhale on 3, and so on for two or three minutes (and until your breathing capacity allows you to count without forcing ). As soon as an idea appears or you lose track of your account, start over from 1.

For Dr. Coudron, some fundamental postures and very simple breathing can be used to re-engage positive dynamics. By restoring calm and the pleasure of feeling harmony between thought and body, we gain tone and vitality. "Yoga helps to better develop awareness and the ability to take a step back" To start over.

Calm down. Inhale while pinning a point above yourself as if squinting slightly, hold your breath, close your eyes, and then exhale. Repeat 2 or 3 times to regain self-calm.

Stimulate yourself. Breathe in through your left nostril and then through your right. This helps stimulate both hemispheres of the brain. Breathe for three to twenty minutes depending on your needs or availability.

Get warm. Lying on your back, arms at your sides, bend your legs close to the buttocks and lift your pelvis without excess while stretching your neck. Practice 3-4 times to warm up the body, then stay in the pose for a minute or two to release chest and neck tensions.

Essential information for the practice of yoga

What is the proper rhythm? At least one hour a week, more than five to ten minutes of daily practice at home. Ideally, three sessions per week if you are under stress.

How to find the right teacher? Testing various courses. Avoid those in which they offer you positions that you must absolutely reproduce. A perfect posture is a perfect posture for yourself, according to Dr. Coudron's formula.

How to practice it? As a group to take advantage of collective emulation, individually if you are looking for a specific benefit, but you can also toggle the two options.

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yoga, wellness, stress, stylelife, relief, exercises, easy, simple, self-help, pressure, practice, stress, physical